A Busy Start to Term 2!
It has been an exciting start to the term with a number of significant events and activities taking place that have brought our community together to celebrate our shared values.
We began the term with two significant commemorations, Yom Hashoah and Anzac Day. Both events allowed us to reflect on the importance of remembrance and the sacrifices made by those who have come before us. It was moving to see the respect and honour that our students showed at these key commemorations.
Masada College celebrated Israel's 75th Yom Haatzmaut with an incredible program of festivities. The pita making, face painting, photo booth and camel rides were enjoyed by our youngest and oldest students (and teachers) alike. The celebrations showcased the pride and connection we have for the State of Israel.
Our Senior School also enjoyed a wonderful Lag B'Omer celebration, thanks to the incredible efforts of our informal education team. More than 100 students sat around the bonfire, heard about the miracle of Lag B’Omer, enjoyed s’mores and sang by the fire.
Our Kindergarten Experience Day was a highlight and it was a pleasure to welcome our youngest students and their parents. It was heartwarming to see how well they were received by our older students and we look forward to watching them thrive and grow in the years to come.
The Year 7 Experience Day was also a stand-out event, where we saw a record number of students attend. This day was designed to introduce Year 6 to senior school life and to allow them to get to know their peers and future teachers. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, and we were excited to see our future Year 7 students thriving.
Thank you to everyone that joined our Elephant Ed workshop, which was so well attended. The workshop explored some important topics related to social media and sexuality. It was a valuable opportunity for our students and their parents to engage with these topics in a safe and supportive environment, and we were impressed with their level of maturity and engagement.
I would like to express my gratitude to the Jazz Band for their recent performance at the community Israel celebrations. Their talent was on full display, and they truly impressed everyone in attendance.
Looking ahead, I would like to remind parents to attend the Subject Selection Expo for Year 7-11 students and parents on Thursday May 18 from 4-6pm in the Lynette Phillips Hall. The event promises to be a valuable opportunity to learn more about the Senior School subject offerings and we look forward to showcasing what makes Masada so special.

We are delighted to be taking part in this year's JCA campaign on Sunday 28th May. Our community is invited to join us as we explore the challenges, identify the need and celebrate the potential of our local Jewish community. Come along, show your support and visit us at the Masada College stand. You can book your tickets via this link.