In 1998 I had the privilege of meeting and subsequently working with Phil Roberts. Phil was the Vice Principal at Mount Sinai College and agreed to supervise me as I finished my teaching degree. For the past twenty five years, Phil has continued to be a mentor, a teacher and a friend to me. His leadership at Mount Sinai College has been nothing short of exemplary, and his dedication to nurturing the minds and hearts of our students has left an indelible mark on our collective institutions.
A few weeks ago, at our recent community JCA event, Phil took the stage to deliver a heartfelt speech - an extraordinary reflection on his 30+ years working at Mount Sinai College, with more than two decades as its Principal. What Phil shared was a raw and honest reflection of the vast experience garnered over a remarkable career. He offered a rare and invaluable insight into Jewish education, into its challenges and its opportunities.
I felt compelled to share his learnings and takeaways with our Masada community and encourage you all to read and reread what Phil shares. May his words resonate within our hearts, guiding us towards a brighter future for our community and our children.
I conclude with some personal thoughts on the scope of Phil’s contribution and the extent to which I value his professionalism and collegiality. Phil is a rarity amongst educators and educational leaders. Professionally, he has always allowed his collective experiences to become his rudder, never his anchor. Phil has been an exemplary role model for students, staff and parents - what he thinks, what he says and what he does are always in harmony.
As Phil approaches this new chapter in his life, retiring from his principalship, we extend our heartfelt wishes for the very best in his future endeavours.
It is already approaching the end of Term 2. How time flies! We have so much to celebrate and take stock on what truly makes the Masada difference.
One such moment came recently when I attended the Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition celebrations with the students, parents and of course, our Duke of Edinburgh team, led by Ms Kirkpatrick. In the montage video shown on the evening, students and staff reflected on the lessons learned and the skills and dispositions developed. For some it was organisation and time management but for others it was developing a disposition of perseverance and resilience, to know that pain is temporary and when hard times come our way, we can push through with the support of others. Each of the students were proud to receive a commemorative gift pack from our partner organisation, Black Diamond Adventures, including a very special framed group photo as a lasting memento of their adventures in the Northern Territory.
To say I am incredibly proud of these students and our Duke of Edinburgh program is an understatement. I am also in awe of the uptake of this program across all levels with 23 students undertaking the Silver and 25 completing the Bronze stages. Kol Hakavod to our students and teachers. A special thanks also to Ms Zeman and Mr Pellett for their invaluable participation in the program. I would also like to thank our generous donors at our Parent Welcome Evening who supported the fund-raising for this program.
Earlier this year, I wrote to parents and spoke to students in assembly to reinforce the high expectations we have for our students at Masada College whether it be achieving their personal best and goals, their appearance, respect to others, community involvement and participation or their attendance and punctuality. We want the very best for our students.
Review and Reflect One of the most important times in my schedule are the opportunities to sit with students and families to discuss progress. Over recent months, we have many more opportunities to do so. One such time has been during our Review and Reflect sessions which have been held with our Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Our Review and Reflect sessions are primarily a goal setting opportunity with a focus on achievement, approach to study and maintaining wellbeing, where Mrs Hasofer and myself meet for a 15-minute session with students and parents. It is only in partnership with our students and families can we achieve extraordinary results. Thank you to all that have played an active role in this now embedded part of the journey to graduation. We look forward to meeting our Year 12 students and families later this term.
Uniform Update Following interventions, I am pleased to report that the standard of the appearance of our students in terms of their uniform has improved, with daily checks conducted by colleagues. Our uniform should be worn with pride so that students reflect the school positively in the community. In our experience, correct wearing of the school uniform reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school. Whilst we encourage our students to be taking responsibility for their own appearance and adherence to the school uniform policy, we appreciate your support, in working together with our staff to reinforce these messages with your children at home, and ensuring they own the correct uniform and leave home correctly attired. During Term 2 and 3, we ask all of our students to adhere to the winter uniform requirements, which includes wearing their blazer to and from school.
Special Events We have been incredibly proud to offer an exciting array of special events this term. It has been wonderful to interact with so many community members over recent months.
At Masada, we have a firm commitment to our people, engaging them in professional learning opportunities to ensure we attract, engage and retain the highest calibre faculty. To further this, we recently engaged renowned leadership expert Janine Stratford to work with our middle and senior leaders. Janine, a former Deputy Principal at Bialik College in Melbourne turned Leadership Coach, commenced a two year program with thirty of our colleagues from ELC-Year 12. In the first session, our leaders were asked to participate in a DISC profile analysis and use this to consider how their style can be perceived by others, how to adapt their communication styles when dealing with different people, how to improve teamwork and strengthen their team by embracing different behavioural styles of communication. We are looking forward to the sessions to come.
Assessment Time Many of our students are undertaking assessments, tests and exams in their final weeks of the term/semester across Year 7-12. These are important pieces of evidence of the learning they have conducted thus far but always be pitched as opportunities for our students to strive to achieve their personal best, rather than placing undue pressure. The Year 7 and 8 students benefited from the formality, practice and experience of their Senior School assessments, whilst also providing us with an opportunity to ‘chunk’ their assessment at this mid-year time. Mazel Tov to our students in achieving this significant milestone. I would like to particularly thank Jen Grace, Head of Learning and Teaching, our Heads of Learning Areas, teachers and our Learning Support Team in their efforts to make this a successful experience for our students. Take an opportunity to congratulate your child for managing this time and demonstrating their progress but most importantly, use this as an opportunity for goal setting.
Looking ahead to Term 3 Our Year 12 students are also heading to significant milestones in their HSC Courses as they complete their major work projects, showcase their talents and complete their Trial Exams (31 July-14 August). Whilst it is important to find balance between some relaxation and study, the upcoming winter break is an important time for them to prepare fully for the term ahead. As always, our teachers will be going above and beyond by offering our Winter Holiday study sessions to assist with Trial Exam preparation over this time. Our timetable of sessions will be communicated separately by Mrs Grace.
I also look forward to our much anticipated Pathways Camps for Year 10 and 11, 9-13 August and for Year 8 and 9, 16-20 August. Our Year 12 students will also have a very special Shabbaton from 24-27 August. These camps continue to be re-imagined with many of the tochnit sessions now completely new. Local and Israeli Mads are very excited to share this experience with our students. More details will be communicated by our Jewish Life team shortly.
Wishing you all a restful, safe and happy holiday.
If I can be of assistance at any time, please reach out to me by email: or by phone: 02 9449 3744
Head of Junior School - June
In recent weeks, our dedicated team of teachers and staff have been working diligently to address an essential aspect of our students’ education – feeling safe. We firmly believe that when children feel safe and supported, they can thrive. To reinforce this, we have reminded students about the importance of feeling safe in both class lessons and health lessons. These discussions have aimed to empower our students and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and respond to potential concerns. We have emphasised the significance of recognising their emotions and listening to their inner voice when they feel uncomfortable or worried.
We strongly encourage you, as parents and guardians, to continue these conversations at home. Reinforcing the importance of personal safety and open communication will help our students feel more comfortable and confident in sharing their worries. Should your child express any concerns, please take the time to actively listen and provide reassurance that their voices will be heard.
At Masada College, we take the safety and the well-being of our students very seriously. We are committed to maintaining a nurturing environment where every child feels valued, protected, and supported. By reinforcing the importance of feeling safe and fostering open communication channels, we can collectively create an atmosphere and environment where they feel empowered to share their concerns without hesitation.
Learning & Teaching - June
Junior School - Ms Carla Gagliano
Senior School - Mrs Jen Grace
Junior School - Ms Carla Gagliano
Books are a uniquely portable magic. - Stephen King
National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event where a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, family homes, bookshops and many other places around Australia and New Zealand. Last year saw 2.18 million participants at over 59,000 locations take part in this event.
On Wednesday 24 May, several classes in the Junior School joined in reading ‘The Speedy Sloth’ written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie.
This shared reading experience aims to:
promote the value of reading and literacy,
promote the value and fun of books,
promote an Australian writer and publisher,
promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country.
Following the shared reading, students took time to explore vocabulary, themes and perspectives in the story as well as doing some extra research about sloths.
The shared reading experience plays a key part in our students’ learning to read journey. In the last newsletter, I wrote about trying to continue making reading a priority when life gets busy. Even when our learners begin to read independently, finding some time to read a book together is still a valuable experience. Through this shared experience we can be role models for our children as we help them explore new vocabulary, seek clarification when necessary and build their understanding of the world alongside modeling the more technical aspects of reading including expression, intonation and self-correction.
As Kaye Lowe writes in her Parents’ guide to helping children with reading and writing at home published by PETAA (Primary English Teaching Association Australia)…Model what it means to be an enthusiastic reader. Create a home of readers where everyone reads – It is just what we do in this house! Talk about what you have read. Read aloud what makes you laugh and share it with your child.
Senior School - Mrs Jen Grace
Our teachers play such a key role in shaping our students' day to day experience here at Masada. We are so grateful for the exceptional teaching team we have here who care so deeply and fondly for your children.
Thank you to our students who are so appreciative of our teaching team and the extraordinary lengths they go to see them excel in so many diverse ways.
Thank you to students in Year 7 and 8 who have shared some words of thanks for their teachers and the experiences they provide them with.
Sylvia Samuels There are so many great subjects at Masada but my top two favourite subjects would have to be drama and history! Both of my teachers engage our class and get us involved, while still learning so much and without putting so much pressure on us. I also find both subjects super entertaining and fun. My teachers engage with us and make fun lessons by getting us involved and doing activities that involve teamwork and creative thinking. Like when we got to dig for chocolate chips in our cookies, in history to learn about archeology! I like how all my teachers explain our assessments by giving us scaffolding and letting us take notes in class. My learning strengths are being organised and creative and my teachers support this. I am organised by writing down all my work, so I remember to do it and therefore complete my tasks on time so I’m not stressed. I’m creative by always thinking outside the box when we do creative tasks in class. I have been at Masada College all my life, and have so many friends here. I have learnt to try my best in everything and to never give up. I have also learnt to be a leader, be kind, considerate, respectful and so much more. Masada has so many different opportunities for every individual and always gets everyone involved. I love learning at Masada because not only do you get an amazing education but you also get taught an amazing outlook on life!
Daniel Sun My favorite subjects at Masada College are Maths, Music and Visual Arts. They give me a sense of relaxation when I’m learning it. I love learning in these subjects as I deeply enjoy them and the teachers are really nice and encouraging to help me learn to my best. Strategies that the teachers use to help me learn effectively include making the class fun, and explaining in more detail for me to understand. I like teachers who have patience for me as I keep asking lots of questions! It makes me feel that I am their own child sometimes, because I don’t know a lot of things and I’m pleased that teachers help me understand the world. Thank you teachers.
Coco Braher My favourite subjects at Masada are English and History as I enjoy writing and poetry and love learning about Ancient Egypt and ancient times as it’s so interesting. I love how my teacher makes all the lessons so fun. An example of this is in English when we were able to work outside with our friends! The strategies that teachers use that help me learn include making lessons fun and interesting and letting us write notes during the lesson. They let us work together for some projects and we always have a fun time. My learning strengths include creative writing, understanding different units in Math, and keeping on top of my assignments. Teachers at Masada have helped me to become more organised and stay on top of all my homework. Thank you everyone!
Andy Tang Music and Drama are my favourite subjects. The teachers give me a lot of motivation to learn to my best and this helps my esteem a lot. I can be very creative with my ideas, and I always like to learn other ways to do things and my teachers support this way of thinking. I organize my time with homework very wisely. Masada teachers are so supportive of me and I thank them for their hard work.
Noa Levi I like how nurturing the teachers at Masada are, and how they helped us settle into school very easily. They make our classes interesting and fun and always are caring. Our teachers always help us. My favourite subjects at Masada College would have to be Maths and Technology. I like Maths because I like learning subjects that make me think and exceed my learning a lot. I like Technology because I like using my creativity and designing skills. The strategies that teachers use that help us to learn are engaging with the students and teaching in small groups so that each student can learn to their ability. My learning strengths are completing all assignments on time and my teachers support me with this.
Thank you teachers for going beyond in all you do.
Academic Care - June
Junior School - Mrs Desray Maltz
Senior School - Mrs Natalie Street
Junior School - Mrs Desray Maltz
As we come to the end of the semester and it is soon to be reporting time, it is important to approach the information we receive with a supportive mindset. The report itself is not the measure of success, it is not about the end result. Rather, it is the process of getting there that is most important! Your child's perseverance with a difficult task, the feedback they took on board to improve the next time, managing their time to balance extracurricular activities and homework, the respect and kindness they show towards their teachers and friends, and their grit and determination to approach each day with their best foot forward. These are the true measures of their success.
So, as you open your child's report, keep this in mind and;
Acknowledge and celebrate their achievements and areas of improvement. Praise their efforts and hard work, and encourage them to set realistic goals and strive for personal improvement. Celebrate your child's effort over their grades. Emphasise the importance of the process rather than the end result and celebrate this!
Kol Hakavod to all our children for their tremendous efforts this semester!
Senior School - Mrs Natalie Street
While vaping is not a new phenomenon amongst young people, most parents still know very little about this. The information online continues to be confusing as this is a hot topic. Public health groups have successfully lobbied the government to restrict access to vaping, believing that it could lead to increasing numbers of young people smoking. Harm reduction advocates, however, claim it will assist those who want to quit smoking and save lives. As there has been an influx of media attention around vaping and e-cigarettes lately, I thought this would be a good opportunity to reshare a resource we compiled and shared to our families.
Electronic or e-cigarettes are devices which heat liquid (called ‘e-liquid’) into an aerosol (or vapour) which is then inhaled into a person’s lungs. Most e-liquids are flavoured, with some containing nicotine, and others not. Vaping is the act of inhaling a vapour produced by an e-cigarette or electronic vaporizer. The vapour can contain nicotine and other substances and may expose users to chemicals and toxins which are harmful to health. The devices are small and can be easily hidden in a pocket or bag. The most popular disposable vapes resemble large USB sticks or highlighter pens.
The vapes pictured to the left contain 5% nicotine, which is the equivalent of a strong pack of cigarettes. Nicotine is addictive and can harm brain development and impact learning, memory, and attention.
The use of e-cigarettes at the College is prohibited. We take this issue seriously due to the negative health effects vaping can have on young people, who are often unaware of the risks associated with the practice. We are asking parents to be informed about this ongoing concern and to speak to their children about making positive decisions. Additional information to support parents and students can be found here:
Paul Dillon is the Director and founder of DARTA and he is passionate about ensuring that the community has access to accurate and up-to-date alcohol and other drug information. Paul is often heard on a number of podcasts sharing information and research he has been part of. Here is an episode specific to vaping if you would like further information.
Masada College Early Learning Centre 2024 - Enrolling Now Masada College offers classes for two, three and four year olds. SUMMER Monday through Friday - 7:30am to 6:00pm WINTER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 7:30am to 6pm and Friday - 7:30am to 4:15pm All food is included. If you have a child this age or know someone that does, please contact the Enrolments office to begin the process to secure a place in our beautiful purpose built facility.Please encourage anyone you know not currently at Masada to contact the enrolments office at or register for a Centre Tour via our website as we would love for them to join us.
Kindy 2024 - Enrolling Now Please encourage anyone you know not currently at Masada to contact the enrolments office at or register for a School Tour via our website as we would love for them to join us. Year 7, 2024 - Enrolling Now Please encourage anyone you know not currently at Masada to contact the enrolments office at or register for a School Tour via our website as we would love for them to join us.
Class of '93 30 Year Reunion
June / July Holiday Programs
Shabbat Meals by Masada Canteen
In May and June the College Canteen will be offering a special promotion for Shabbat meals to take home on Friday.
For orders please text or email Siggy: Email - Phone - 0425 248 408
Pick up dates and time is on the menu for each week.
2023 Non-Government Schools - Census Collection Notice
The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all staff, parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2023 Non-Government School Census collection (the Census).
In the Rainbow room BeIinda has been teaching the children all about their bodies. We have been using our recall skills and actions to sing songs in Hebrew all about this topic. We then used this knowledge in a game, using our different body parts to pick up counters. The children enjoyed using their fingers and hands the best! We additionally practiced counting to 5 in Hebrew using the counters also.
Police Office Visit
Our ELC children were thrilled when Justyne, our ELC Educator, invited her Police Officer son to visit us. He shared exciting insights about Police Officers, their equipment, police animals and the importance of knowing your home address. The children had a blast dressing up in police hats and shirts!
It was great to welcome the Mums and Dads in the Green Room to celebrate Mother's Day. The children and educators had been busy creating presents, portraits, and writing special messages to celebrate this special occasion. Many hours of planning and preparation went into the activities that were enjoyed with your children to celebrate the special people in their life. We were not able to celebrate Mother's Day for many years because of COVID and it made it extra special this year to be able to see your smiling and friendly faces enjoying time in the Green Room. All the Mums, Dads, children, and educators had so much fun celebrating this special event.
We are very proud of a group of our Junior School girls who baked cookies to raise money for the charity Educate Girls. Our students were self motivated to bake cookies, set up a stand and fundraise for girls that are less fortunate than themselves. In their words “We are girls and have so much, we get so much from our school and community to learn and grow. We want to support the girls who are being held back from doing so. They are us and we are them.” We are very proud of your efforts, thoughtfulness and kindness, girls. Mazal Tov!
Jewish Life / Experiential Learning Events
K-6 Shavuot Assembly
The Shavuot assembly celebration was a vibrant and joyful event that brought together students, parents, and teachers to commemorate the holiday and showcase the students' learning. It was a special occasion where the Junior School community gathered to appreciate the significance of Shavuot. The students eagerly took the stage, proudly presenting their knowledge and understanding through poetry, songs, explanations and delivery of divrei Torah. Their performances beautifully captured the essence of the holiday, highlighting the importance of the giving of the Torah. The assembly was a testament to the dedication and hard work of both the students and the teachers, fostering a strong sense of community and connection to our Jewish traditions.
ASISSA Cross Country
21 students who showed some outstanding stamina and running ability at the School Cross Country Carnival were selected to run at ASSISA on Thursday the 18th of May. The event was held at Queens Park in Bondi Junction. All students should be commended on giving it their best efforts on the day. The support the students had for each other throughout the day was admirable. Thanks also to the friends and family who came to spectate and cheer on our Masada students. There were numerous athletes who came within the top 20 in their race/age group. Special mention to Maya G in Year 4 who came 9th and Micah B in Year 6 for coming in 6th place. Both Maya and Micah attended the CIS carnival on Thursday the 8th of June. A big congratulations to both Maya and Micah and the 19 other talented students who made it through to ASISSA.
Mother's Day Stall - Thank You Parent Volunteers
We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude to the incredible parent volunteers who made our Mother’s Day stall a success. With their help, students had the opportunity to select a delicate necklace and arrange it in a beautifully presented trinket box.
As we look ahead to the coming months, we would like to extend a warm welcome to any new volunteers who would like to join our wonderful team. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Talia Shotland (0403 764 912) our Head of Parent and Friends (P&F) Association if you are interested in volunteering.
Women of the North
Our Year 4-6 girls were lucky enough to have the opportunity to hear from Speech Pathologist, Candice Bass during our most recent Women of the North talk. Candice is a past Masada College student and a current parent. She told the girls all about the different sorts of things that speech pathologists deal with and gave them an insight into some of the activities and fun games she plays with her clients. It was really fascinating to hear that speech pathologists do not only deal with speech and talking, they diagnose and treat people with a wide variety of difficulties such as speaking, listening, eating and swallowing, understanding language, reading, writing, social skills, stuttering and using voice.The girls were captivated and engaged throughout the whole talk, asking interesting questions, and sharing some great ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if we have some future speech pathologists in our classrooms! Thank you to Candice for a really wonderful talk that was thoroughly enjoyed by students and teachers alike.
JCA Cookies for Community Fundraising Project
Masada College Junior School is doing brilliantly in the JCA Cookies for Community fundraising project! We are thrilled to announce that we're currently second place on the leaderboard!! Go Masada!! The Cookies for Community project runs until 19th June giving this weekend to rally together and make an even bigger impact. We ask for your support so we can make a difference to our incredible Jewish Community. The organisation that fundraises the most will be presented with a prize!
Our students have been asked to bake and sell cookies to friends, family and neighbours with all funds raised going to support JCA. JCA provided each Masada Junior School student with a cookie cutter in the shape of a jigsaw puzzle piece and a recipe so they would be ready to bake and sell! Here is the link to the Cookies for Community donation page
Year 6 Theatre Visit - We Come from Far, Far Away
On Wednesday the 17th of May. Year 6 went to see the show, Come From Far Far Away at the Sydney Opera House.
The show is a true story about a boy from Syria named Abdallula, who is a refugee and has to travel across Europe in order to find safety.
Here is what year 6 thought about it.
Henry: I really liked the acting in the show.
Emelie: I really enjoyed the Q & A at the end.
Angelina: I really liked how there was more than one language in the play.
Maya W: I liked how the actors used accents to more fit in with the characters.
Trevor: I liked how there were more than just dark scenes and also some humor every now and then.
Michelle: I think it was very smart how the music in the background really fitted the mood of the characters.
Maya S: I liked how they made us take off our shoes and make us a bit uncomfortable so we really get the feel as if we are really refugees.
Ora: I think there were some moments that were really emotional and made me feel like I was actually there.
Rachel: I liked how the music in the background was sometimes really funny to fit the scenes.
Elad: I really liked how it ended with a cliffhanger so we really wanted to know more!
Asher: I liked how they made the transitions, with the music, and flipping the tent.
Wilsen: I really liked the part where there was a town shown on the tent to explain what had happened in Syria.
Larry: I really liked how the tent was used to create scenes.
Overall year 6 had a really fun time at the Opera House.
Senior School
Living Historians - 15 June 2023
Please join us for the Year 10 Living Historians Presentation on Thursday. Click here to RSVP.
Performing Arts Evening - 20 June 2023
You are warmly invited to join us for the most prestigious music event on the Masada College Calendar - our upcoming Performing Arts Evening on Tuesday 20th June from 6.30pm.
We welcome and appreciate your attendance to support our students in their talents. A fun, entertaining evening is promised!
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here. Money raised from the event will be invested in our Performing Arts program. Light refreshments will be available for sale during the evening.
We hope you can join us for this special event.
Year 11 Biology Excursion
Year 11 Biology attended Narrabeen Rock Platform on the 31st May as part of their course on ecosystem dynamics with Ms Mills. Students were able to experience first hand the different life forms that live on this rock platform and how they interact with each other. Groups were able to interact with starfish, sea hares and even a couple of friendly octopus. Guided by Tim from the Coastal Environmental Centre, Year 11 collected data to help analyse the biotic and abiotic factors of the environment and discussed in depth ways that we can help protect this fragile biome.
Written By Ilana Benoliel, Year 9 Riddles, jokes, mind games and more were heard throughout the Duke of Edinburgh bronze practice hike; everyone encouraged each other. When we started the first day, it was interesting because, most of the trail, there was this prominent landmark called the pipeline that we followed throughout the day. The second track we were on was the pipeline track, and we went via Kingfisher Pools and Causeway. It was a beautiful clearing with water and rocks. We were all exhausted by the time we got to the camp at the end of the day, but the best part came, setting up our tents. I partnered up with Talia, and we chose to put our tent under a tree which I bumped my head on many times. Then came a highlight to all the Yarning circle; we sat in a circle around the fire and roasted marshmallows and played more mind games, some confusing and some fun. Then when we woke up the following day, we took down our tents and got back on the trail. The hardest part for me was, in the end, the four km uphill because I was a little bit sick and couldn’t breathe very well, so it was a bit hard then, but I loved the entire experience, and it will never be forgotten. Thank you, Miss Kirkpatrick, for being with us on this hike; it was a fantastic experience!
Written By Erin Shuan, Year 9 Last week we completed the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Practice hike. I can now say it was an amazing, once in a lifetime experience. We really got to connect with each other and the nature around us. Although there were points during the hike where we thought we couldn’t keep on walking, everybody pushed each other forward and reached our goals. A highlight for me was when we reached the top of the mountain in Waterfall and could look down at what we had just climbed and the breathtaking view in front of us. We stopped by three waterfalls during the two days, all of them a beautiful reminder of why we were doing the hike. Day two’s walk was down a long and tedious fire trail. Ms K and Mr P taught us a game that we played to pass the time. Conner, the Black Diamond instructor, also helped us stay on track and implement the orienteering skills we were learning. We had a blast playing games and telling stories around the fire. Overall, I can’t wait to see what the qualifier brings.
HZSA Soccer Success!
Congratulations to some of our top soccer players who were selected to represent HZSA at the AICES tournament earlier this term. For the Under 16s, Jay Maltz and Jake Rosenberg were successful and in the open competition Ricky Maltz, Aaron Hubersman and Benji Rosenberg were selected. All played to a high standard and represented the team in an exemplary fashion.
From this competition, selections are also made to represent in the next zone competition. From his outstanding performances at HZSA Jay Maltz has gone on to represent AICES and has now been selected to play in the CIS team at NSW All Schools competition at Landen Stadium, Seven Hills next Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June. We wish you the best of luck Jay!
Careers Update - June
Year 10 Work Experience In Week 6 this term all of our Year 10 students participated in 5 days of work experience. The work experience program provides students with an opportunity to gain practical experience in a work environment and assists in the development of self management skills, career management skills and develops their awareness of their work related skills and interests.
Below are comments from some of our students;
“My time at [work experience placement] was an extremely valuable experience which I was able to learn so much from. Talking and asking questions to various people at the firm gave me greater insight into their roles and possible post-school career options. Going to Law courts and watching the Supreme Courts in action was really amazing to see and definitely one of the highlights! Overall, I had a really enjoyable week and am very grateful for this opportunity.” – Erin Kruger, Year 10 student. Placement at a Law Firm.
“The highlight of work experience was being able to go to the NSW Parliament and seeing politicians at work and I got to see what question time was like and I will say listening to question time is like listening to animals in a zoo fight with each other but also going to parliament made me realise how hard a politicians job really is.” – David Griesz, Year 10 student. Placement with a local Member of Parliament.
“The highlight of my Work Experience Week was getting to work in the NRL Production Area and going on the NRL 360 and State Of Origin show before the State of Origin game and also getting to hang with all the famous former Rugby League players: Cooper Cronk, Braith Anasta, Corey Parker and Mick Ennis and also getting to work with the KAYO team and putting descriptions on kayo for the basketball finals games which was very fun, I had the Best Week of my Life!” – Riley Goldin, Year 10 student. Placement with FoxSports.
School Holiday programs
NIDA School Holiday Programs
Drama – 3-7 July. For Years 7 – 10. More information here
Acting 101 – 3-7 July @ Chatswood OR 10-14 July @ Kensington. Years 11-12. More information here
NIDA Bites – 1 July. Years 7-10. More information here
Coles Group We’re one of Australia’s most iconic and trusted businesses – and we’re on the lookout for awesome Team Members to join the team in our local Coles supermarkets across Australia. We have multiple opportunities across the country. Click here and search for jobs available near you.
Australian Defence Force – Gap Year - Applications are now open Spend an exciting 12-months in the Navy, Army or Air Force, where you'll get paid for meaningful work while travelling around Australia, gaining skills for life, and making lifelong friends. On an ADF Gap Year you’ll grow and develop in a dynamic, supportive and people-focused environment. More information here.
Cadetships, Apprenticeships, Traineeships
Autosports Group(ASG) A large, listed, national retail automotive group representing prestige and luxury automotive brands. ASG have opportunities for automotive and parts apprenticeships and sale trainees. Also offering school based apprenticeships. Email:
AFL SportsReady Traineeships Ready to Go For Year 12 school leavers looking for a job? Explore, paid employment and education training programs with AFL SportsReady. They have traineeships with at AFL NSW/ACT, Belgravia Leisure, Got Game and Burson Autoparts. View all the current traineeships on AFL SportsReady job board.
NECA Apprenticeships Mid-Year Intakes
Electrical Apprenticeships - Register your expression of interest here
Data Communications - As a telecommunications apprentice, you will receive extensive on-the-job training and mentoring from experienced professionals in the industry. More information here.
WesTrac NSW Apprenticeships – close soon 15th June The WesTrac NSW Apprenticeship Program for 2024 intake is seeking motivated individuals keen to grow a career as a:
Plant Mechanic/Auto Electrician (Dual Trade)
Plant Mechanic
Auto Electrician
Fitter Machinist
Boilermaker, or
Spray Painter.
Applications close for this new intake on the 15th of June, 2023
A range of free webinars available to students and parents/carers to access live or to view recordings of events. The sessions include information and Q&A’s on the application process, panel discussions with experts on moderation and scaling, and introductions to the many and varied universities in NSW and the ACT. They also include a series of sessions focused on popular fields of study. Visit the following site for more information:
International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) Open Day – Sunday 6th August @ 10am – 2pm. Register here
Macquarie University Year 12 webinar series on topics such as Early Entry, Study Without Stress, Guide to Uni and more – For more information and to register click here
Torrens University Early Entry Applications Now Open Apply now to secure your place at Torrens University Australia through our Early Entry Program. With a conditional offer for 2023. Early Entry is open to all Year 12 students in NSW. Complete the enquiry form or complete our online application.
UNSW Year 12 online Information Evening – 15 June @ 6pm Register here
University of Newcastle Joint Medical Program 2024 - How to Apply – 3 Steps To apply to the Joint Medical Program in 2024, you must complete the three steps listed in the link below. Each year, 170 places are available in the program across both the University of Newcastle and the University of New England; more than 3,500 people apply for those spaces. For more information visit:
University of Wollongong Early Admission application Webinar – 28 June @ 6pm UOW Early Admission is our early offer program for students completing Year 12 Higher School Certificate. This webinar is a chance to ask any questions. Register here
University of Sydney Webinar Wednesday sessions - registration links can be found on the Undergraduate Events page. The Webinar series is designed to help students discover what it's like to study a bachelor's degree at Sydney University and to learn more about our entry pathways and admission schemes. These webinars are best suited for students from Years 10-12, and include tips on your school subjects, preparing for university and how to choose a course. The series also includes faculty-specific speakers. Upcoming webinars:
Nursing at Sydney – 21 June @ 4pm
Interaction Design – 28 June @ 4pm
Submit your audition or portfolio
Register your audition/interview via our portal if you are applying to the University's SCM for an undergraduate degree commencing in Semester 2 2023 or Semester 1 2024. Registrations close on Friday 30 June 2023. Register or find out more about audition/interview requirements, important dates and how to apply here.
Project Management Spring Camp – 28 September 2023
The school of Project Management will be running their in-person Spring Camp on Thursday 28 September for students in years 10–11. This program offers an interactive opportunity for students to develop awareness of project management as a discipline, career pathways, our Bachelor of Project Management degree, and hear from industry professionals, academics, current students, and alumni. Past programs have included site tours to Google and Atlassian. Expressions of interest are now open for students.
Music Theatre Chorus Course – 31 July – 4 September
This introductory musical theatre course – for students 15–22 years of age – will cover vocal technique, lyrical interpretation, characterisation, stage physicality, audition techniques and musical theatre ensemble techniques. Classes will take place weekly from 31 July to 4 September 2023 and contain both musical theatre ensemble and vocal masterclass components, led by industry professional and SCM music theatre teacher Rob McDougall. Find out more and register here.